Friskier Foreplay with Erotic Games

Erotic Games for Friskier Foreplay

You may have heard that old saying ‘the couple that plays (erotic games) together, stays together’. We, at Matilda's, are firm believers in adding a little juice to your lives. If you're frisky already, dare to be friskier!

You may have heard the old saying: "The couple that plays (erotic games) together stays together". Daily life can be stressful, so here is our recipe for ensuring a lot of spice and plenty of relaxation in all aspects of your life...

Sex does not always have to be serious. Yes, we need to respect our partners, take safe sex precautions, and be diligent regarding mutual consent, but the main reason human beings engage in sex is because it’s FUN. In addition, it is gratifying both physically and mentally, relaxes our bodies, and releases dopamines and other feel-good chemicals that keep our moods buoyant. Sexual indulgence is also proven to cure headaches and exercise our bodies. There are few other activities equally as exciting that tick all these boxes.

Always remember it is beneficial and acceptable to enjoy a satisfying and active sex life, so start planning those (healthy) erotic game nights right now...

Erotic Games and Sensual Massage

  • Set the tone with erotic games. Dare to invest in a couple of our awesome games. Most are for two players, but some cater to more than two. If you don’t have games on hand, go with the old favourite: strip poker. However you play, an erotic game is a great ice-breaker for setting the mood and furthering the frisky fun.
  • Dress it up. There’s nothing like kinky fantasy to up the ante in the bedroom. The wilder and often sillier, the better. Strip off your inhibitions with a cheeky fantasy costume that sets the stage for a whole new world of luscious interaction.
  • Promote sensual touch. Massage candles are multi-purpose seduction must-haves. The warm glow of fragrant candles subtly perfume the air and awaken your sensual taste buds. The honey-smooth melted wax/oils persuade you to shed your clothes for an arousing massage. Feel the seduction as you gently indulge with these scented oils and savour the heady moments. As added persuasion, our candles are completely body-safe and the perfect lubricant for that intensifying massage. 
  • Dare to amp up your date night with a sexy lip gloss. See our wide selection for creating delicious trails as you kiss your way towards your goal... Remember, the goal here is Fun, not totting up orgasms (although we cannot guarantee that when indulging in this novelty the orgasm count will remain unaffected).
    So go ahead - reach for the stars, in the bedroom and out.